The Secret Place

The Secret Place Podcast | Non-Profit 501(c)(3)

Our non-profit The Secret Place aims to provide educational guidance to enriching lives with the power of spiritual enlightenment and community engagement through the exploration of theology and psychology. The Bible tells us that true wisdom and guidance can be found within its pages, and it frequently mentions the concept of dwelling in the secret place. The podcast shares thoughts, revelations, and insights inspired by time with God. Understanding what God means in the context of dwelling in Him is essential for spiritual

Upcoming Events for Peace | Mark Your Calendars

The Secret Place is available for in-house attendees and the podcast will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook. JOIN US and Dive Deeper into Faith and Mind at The Secret Place: Where Theology and Psychology Intertwine. This devotional podcast series explores the idea of dwelling in God and how to have this ‘secret place’ in our lives.

The podcast also discusses various topics related to Jesus, spirituality, and personal experiences.

The Secret Place Podcast

Derek Peters, the host of the podcast series, delves into various theological topics and shares revelations from God.

The Secret Place Podcast

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 | 7:00PM

Workshops Coming Soon | Support by Donating to Our Podcast Today

The Secret Place is excited to host workshops to educate the community in areas of self development, financial literacy, mental health, and more with revelations from our very own Bishop Gary Oliver and Dr. Noemi Oliver. Donate today to support the cause.

Presence, Discipleship, Reproduction

Our Inspirational Music and Podcast

Spend your day listening to the music and podcast of Bishop Gary Oliver and Dr. Noemi Oliver, here at The Secret Place. Listen to sermons and stories inspired by Jesus and transformative by the power of the Gospel.

Tune in to our podcast or visit our YouTube channel for wonderful Christian music and stories that will surely make you feel blessed and transform your life. These actions should come from a genuine overflow of the heart, not a way to feel better about oneself. Bishop Gary and Dr. Noemi will also inspire you to keep walking on the Christian path and become a better child of God in your own lives.

Finding peace through a deep connection with Jesus is a key aspect of our content. We always discuss various topics related to Jesus, such as serving others and living out the full Gospel.

Tune Into Our Podcast Listen to Our Music

Reach Out To Us Today

For additional information or booking arrangements, please contact us.

Fabulous, Finance & Faith DBA The Secret Place is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization located in Texas, U.S.A. (Tax ID Number: 92-2751759) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.