In times of global turmoil, political transitions, and personal struggles, it's easy to lose focus on what truly matters. Our trust should not lie in mankind or earthly leadership, but in God alone.
The Bible repeatedly emphasizes that trusting in God is better than trusting in people. Studying and obeying God's Word strengthens our faith and trust in Him. As stated in Psalm 118:8, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people.” The english word faith is defined as trust, assurance, and confidence in God. This is because:
God is unchanging and faithful
Human leaders and systems are temporary
God’s protection is eternal
Our times are in His hands, not people’s hands
True faith extends beyond mere acknowledgment that God exists to encompass trust, obedience, and active demonstration of one’s belief through actions.
Having complete confidence in God, as exemplified by Abraham’s unwavering trust and obedience, is crucial for spiritual faith and following divine guidance, as highlighted in the biblical definition of faith.
Faith is a profound and multifaceted concept that has intrigued philosophers, theologians, and scholars for centuries. At its core, faith refers to a deep-seated trust, confidence, or assurance in a person, thing, or concept. In the realm of religious beliefs, faith is often understood as a belief in God or a higher power, coupled with a commitment to a particular set of religious practices and doctrines.
The English word “faith” originates from the Greek word “pistis,” which carries a rich meaning encompassing trust, loyalty, and commitment. In Christian theology, faith is perceived as a divine gift that enables individuals to trust in Jesus Christ and His teachings. This trust is not blind faith but is informed by the evidence of God’s character, actions, and promises as revealed in the Bible. The biblical definition of faith, therefore, involves a complete confidence in God’s Word and His unwavering faithfulness.
Faith is a fundamental concept in Christianity, and it is essential to understand its meaning and significance. According to the biblical definition, faith is “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). This profound trust in God and His promises goes beyond mere intellectual agreement; it requires action and obedience. Faith is not just about believing that God exists, but about relying completely on who Jesus Christ is and what He has done to reconcile us with God. This biblical definition of faith underscores the importance of a deep, unwavering trust in God’s character and His Word.
Looking at David’s example in Psalm 31, we see that true trust in God, or biblical faith, includes:
Taking refuge in Him during distress
Believing He is our rock and fortress
Putting our spirit in His hands
Maintaining faith even when others abandon us
Continuing to call on Him without shame
The definition of faith, particularly from a biblical perspective, encompasses trust, belief, and a total dependence on God’s promises and character. The New Testament provides numerous examples and teachings that illustrate the nature of faith and its importance in the life of a believer. The Greek word pistis encompasses trust, assurance, and confidence in God, and is foundational for a believer’s confidence in unseen spiritual realities. By studying God’s Word, believers can deepen their understanding of biblical faith and trust in His promises. Engaging with God’s Word through prayer and study enhances one’s spiritual journey and understanding of biblical faith.
Biblical faith is essential for a Christian’s spiritual growth and development. It serves as the foundation of Christian ministry and is the means by which we establish a relationship with God and receive the benefits of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice (Ephesians 2:8). True biblical faith produces tangible evidence in a person’s life, such as obedience to God’s commands and love for others (Galatians 5:6). It is described as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). This living faith is not static but dynamic, continually growing as we engage with God’s Word and apply it in our lives.
Faith is essential because it is the only means of salvation, and it is impossible to please God without it (Hebrews 11:6). This faith is not merely a mental attitude but is revealed through our actions. Good works are the proof that our faith is alive and active (James 2:17). Faith also provides us with complete confidence in God’s promises and His ability to deliver us from any situation. It acts as the anchor of our soul, keeping us steadfast and unmovable amidst life’s challenges (Hebrews 6:19). This complete confidence in God’s faithfulness empowers us to live boldly and trust in His divine plan.
Faith plays a pivotal role in the lives of those who hold religious beliefs, providing a sense of purpose, meaning, and direction. It serves as the foundation for moral values and principles, guiding individuals in their daily lives. Moreover, faith offers comfort, hope, and strength, especially during times of uncertainty, adversity, or suffering.
In the context of Christian faith, faith is seen as the means of salvation, where individuals place their trust in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross. This faith transcends mere intellectual assent; it is a deep-seated trust that necessitates action and obedience. As the apostle James poignantly stated, “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). This underscores that true faith in Jesus Christ is demonstrated through living faith, characterized by actions that reflect one’s firm belief in God’s promises.
Faith is not just a feeling; it is expressed in everyday life through obedience and works. As James 2:17 states, “Faith without works is dead.” True faith is demonstrated by our actions, reflecting our love for God and commitment to His will. Examples of faith in action are seen in the lives of biblical characters such as Abraham, who believed God’s promise of countless descendants, and Daniel’s three friends, who refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s image of gold. These acts of faith illustrate that true faith is not passive but active, manifesting in our daily decisions and actions.
When we’re struggling with fear, we must remember that a firm belief in God’s promises can help us overcome doubt and uncertainty. God stores up goodness for those who fear Him. Even in dark times, He is working on our behalf.
The Holy Spirit empowers believers to overcome fear and doubt, enabling them to demonstrate their faith through actions.
It is important to remember that mere belief is not enough, as even the demons believe and tremble, but true faith requires action and obedience to God’s commandments. God’s Word serves as a guide for our faith and helps us understand His commandments, which in turn helps us overcome fear and doubt.
While faith in God is often emphasized, it is crucial to recognize the limitations of human trust. Human beings are inherently fallible and prone to error, making our trust in others or even in ourselves potentially misplaced. This fallibility underscores the need for a higher, more reliable source of trust.
In stark contrast, faith in God represents trust in a perfect and infallible being who is eternally worthy of our confidence. As the Bible asserts, “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind” (Numbers 23:19). This unwavering trust in God’s character and promises provides a firm foundation for faith, enabling individuals to navigate life’s challenges and uncertainties with confidence and hope. Trusting in God’s Word and His eternal nature reassures believers that their faith is well-placed.
While it is natural to trust in people, especially those close to us, the Bible warns against placing our ultimate trust in humans. Psalm 118:8-9 reminds us, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.” People are fallible and can disappoint us, but God is always faithful and trustworthy. Even the demons believe in God, but they do not have true faith in Him (James 2:19). True faith is not just believing in God’s existence but trusting in His promises and demonstrating that trust through our actions. This firm belief in God’s unwavering faithfulness provides a solid foundation for our lives, ensuring that our trust is well-placed.
This week, challenge yourself to:
Identify areas where you’re placing trust in people or systems instead of God
When facing difficulties, practice turning to prayer first before seeking human solutions
Look for ways to encourage others who are struggling, remembering we’re called to love our neighbors as ourselves
Living faith is not just about belief but about demonstrating that belief through actions, service, and obedience to God’s commandments, as guided by God’s Word. Let God's Word guide your actions and decisions as you strive to live out your faith.
Where am I placing my trust during uncertain times?
How can I demonstrate faith instead of fear in my current circumstances?
Am I loving and supporting others in their struggles while maintaining my trust in God?
Remember: All your times - good and bad - are in God’s hands. He is faithful to save, not because we deserve it, but because that’s who He is. Turn to God's Word for guidance and reassurance during uncertain times.
The Bible repeatedly emphasizes that trusting in God is better than trusting in people. As stated in Psalm 118:8, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people.” This is because:
God is unchanging and faithful
Human leaders and systems are temporary
God’s protection is eternal, offering believers the promise of eternal life through faith in Him
Our times are in His hands, not people’s hands
Looking at David’s example in Psalm 31, we see that true trust in God includes:
The New Testament provides numerous examples and teachings that illustrate the nature of faith and its importance in the life of a believer.
Taking refuge in Him during distress
Believing He is our rock and fortress
Putting our spirit in His hands
Maintaining faith even when others abandon us
Continuing to call on Him without shame
When we’re struggling with fear, we must remember that God stores up goodness for those who fear Him. Even in dark times, He is working on our behalf.
The Holy Spirit empowers believers to overcome fear and doubt, enabling them to demonstrate their faith through actions.
Growing in faith involves a continuous deepening of our trust in God and His promises. This spiritual growth can be nurtured through various practices, including prayer, Bible study, and obedience to God’s commands. As we draw closer to God through these means, our faith is strengthened, and our trust in Him is deepened.
The apostle Paul emphasized the importance of hearing and responding to the gospel message, stating, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ” (Romans 10:17). This highlights the critical role of engaging with God’s Word in fostering a robust Christian faith.
Additionally, growing in faith requires a willingness to trust God even when we do not fully understand His ways or see immediate results. As the Bible reminds us, “We live by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). This trust in God’s sovereignty and goodness empowers us to face life’s challenges with confidence and hope, even amidst uncertainty and adversity. By cultivating a living faith rooted in God’s Word, we can navigate our spiritual journey with assurance and steadfastness.
This week, challenge yourself to: 1.
Identify areas where you’re placing trust in people or systems instead of God
When facing difficulties, practice turning to prayer first before seeking human solutions
Look for ways to encourage others who are struggling, remembering we’re called to love our neighbors as ourselves
Let God's Word guide your actions and decisions as you strive to live out your faith.
Where am I placing my trust during uncertain times?
How can I demonstrate faith instead of fear in my current circumstances?
Am I loving and supporting others in their struggles while maintaining my trust in God?
Remember: All your times - good and bad - are in God’s hands. He is faithful to save, not because we deserve it, but because that’s who He is.